Aeration & Lighting

for Ponds and Lakes in Dallas & Fort Worth
from Lone Star Fountains

Improve the appearance and health of your lake or pond with a fountain from Lone Star Fountains!

As the lake fountain and pond aeration sales and service leader in Dallas Fort Worth, Lone Star Fountains can add a stunning visual display to your lake or pond, and aeration to reduce algae and improve water quality. Add underwater lighting to your outdoor fountain or aerator, and the night brings a dramatic display that attracts and entertains. We sell and service a broad selection of both decorative display fountains, aerating fountains, diffusion systems and lighting from quality manufacturers including Aqua Control, AquaMaster, Kasco and AirMax.

For sales, installation and service, call Lone Star Fountains!

We regularly consult with pond owners and landscape planners on outdoor fountain design and product selection to ensure the best result for your lake or pond. We can provide a turn-key installation, and offer regular preventive maintenance programs for fountains, aeration, waterfall pumping systems and lighting. We are an authorized warranty service provider for most major fountain manufacturers. We also design and build our own proprietary waterfall pump systems, and can rebuild and upgrade many older fountain, pump and lighting systems to restore performance and improve efficiency.

Our mission is to provide our customers in the DFW area with quality, long-lasting products to help make your lake or pond more beautiful and functional – and keep it that way by providing the best service, as we have for over 20 years.